Thursday, June 28, 2007

Transformers Review

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Despite Transformers being perhaps the coolest movie event this year, which is mainly due to its great CGI effects, Michael Bay still deserves to be shot... maybe not as much as he should before.

Alright to be honest I have totally no expectations of this movie at all. Mainly its because it is directed by Michael Bay. Not that I really hate that man or anything but once you seen one of his movies you had seen it all. The way he does thing is similar, be it Armageddon or Bad Boys or even that dreaded crap called Pearl Harbour. Another reason is Megatron's new design. While others like Prime, Bumblebee, Barricade and Starscream is redesigned into a much cooler version of their cartoon-self, Megatron is a hundred steps backwards. Don't get me wrong, the Alien Jet movie version is fitting and cool but his Robot design is..... crap.

Ok enough about my expectations, here's my RM0.02 about the movie. Ok despite all the Michael Bay cliched camera works, badly done pacing and extensive use of explosions (well at least his over-explosions are very well done here), the movie is actually good but unfortunately, it had nothing to do with Bay. The only reason why this movie is so freaking cool is because of the robots themselves. How they were animated in so much detail like how Prime turn his face plate off while talking and turn it on while fighting. Their transformation sequence are also animated in great detail that had me drooling all over the place.

The voice acting is perhaps the best of them all. The voice acting is so good that even those cheesy cartoonish lines sounded perfectly. I mean with Peter Cullen reprising his role as Prime surely can never go wrong right? But what really surprises me is Megatron. I never expect Hugo Weaving a.k.a Agent Smith a.k.a Elrond to voiced Megatron so flawlessly and of course "badass-ly". And of course comparing Hugo Weaving with Peter Cullen is kinda unfair since one is Optimus Prime himself while the other is just a voice actor :P

The one thing that makes this movie far from perfect is that Bay tend to focus more on the soap opera that revolves around the humans rather than the robots and also the very anti-climatic ending which would leave you "WTF? Is that all?" after the end.

Overall this is a must watch movie. Despite the anti-climatic ending and the very Bay-ish cliched cameraworks and pacing, the robots itself is worth the price of the tickets ^_^.

Overall Score: 8 over 10.

P.S: Bay is still a bad director ^_^ and if you still haven't seen the Transformers Animated Movie (or do not even know of its existence) do go watch it.

1 comment:

  1. aiya.. write longer la~ so short meehhh..
